Madisha Code Lab

We Boldy Go Where No Website Has Gone Before..

We're building Softwares to the next generation today. Most of the our products are AI based and we're building modern websites, Web Applications, Mobile App and Software solution.

Think Madisha Code Lab...

Rocket Dab

Our Sample Software solutions


Madisha Code Lab በኢትዮጵያ አዲስ ትውልድ ኮዴሮችን ለማሳደግ ከፍተኛ አስተዋፅዎ አድርጓል። ፕሮግራሞቻቸው ትምህርታዊ ብቻ ሳይሆኑ የሚያነቃቁ ከመሆናቸውም በላይ ወጣት አእምሮዎች የፈጠራ ችሎታ እንዲያዳክሙና እውነተኛውን ዓለም ችግሮች እንዲፈቱ ያበረታታሉ።

—Betelhem Dessie, CEO of WebLab from Dessie

My daughter attended a summer coding camp at Madisha Code Lab, and it was a transformative experience for her. She developed a passion for technology and is now considering a career in software development

—Hana Gebremariam, Beza's mother from Addis Ababa

The hands-on approach at Madisha Code Lab helped me gain practical skills that I could immediately apply in my projects. The mentors are knowledgeable and supportive, making the learning experience truly enriching

—David M, Stud. from Bangeladish

Hey, Dude if wanna be successful forget the conding and learn foreign trading(FX).

—Chacha FX, CEO of Chacah FX from Lab-5

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